Friday, January 29, 2010


January 26, 2010

I carved this on a 3"x4" piece of linoleum. It is based off of an Ansel Adams photograph of an oak tree. The original photograph is amazing, and I tried to capture the luminous quality of it through the carving. I can't quite say I succeeded, but I am satisfied in the very least with the shadows of the tree.


Tommy said...

it's beautiful girl : )

Magnus Greel said...

I really liked carving and printing from linoleum in college, ages ago. I actually did a tree much like this, though that was a woodblock I think. Anyway... strangely, you did capture some of that luminosity, but via the shadows on the ground, or so it seems to me. It's very curious to me that that was possible to do...

You're much more accomplished than I am... an eye problem intervened during college and after many years, I'm trying to make up for lost time. I'm teaching myself, so results are mixed.

I ought to go outr and get me some linoleum... I might still have the carving implements!

Any attention paid to my drawings blog is of course always appreciated... I'm expressing myself oddly tonight it seems.